Transplant Trial Watch

A personalized follow-up of kidney transplant recipients using video conferencing based on a 1-year scoring system predictive of long term graft failure (TELEGRAFT study): protocol for a randomized controlled trial

Foucher Y, Meurette A, et al

BMC Nephrology 2015; 16(1): 6.

To evaluate the efficiency of an eHealth program that adapts the frequency of home video conferencing and hospital visits according to the Kidney Transplant Failure Score (KTFS).

Patients are allocated to the novel eHealth program versus the standard hospital care.

250 patients with a functional kidney at one year post transplantation

The primary outcome is the absence of major complications, measured by patient survival, kidney function, acute rejection episodes, graft filtration rate (eGFR) and incidence of cancer. Secondary outcomes analysed were incremental cost-effectiveness ratios (ICER), Quality of life (QoL) and the psychological dimensions of anxiety/depression and post-traumatic growth.

2 years

CET Conclusions
This is an interesting protocol to evaluate two methods of follow up of renal transplant patients who have reached one year after transplantation. Based on the Kidney Transplant Failure Score (KTFS) patients will be defined as low risk or high risk one year after transplantation. The score has previously been reported as being a good prognostic indicator of subsequent failure of a kidney transplant. There will be randomisation in the low risk and in the high risk patients to a follow up based on the standard care in the hospital or to an electronic follow up system which will comprise both video conferencing and standard hospital visits. Their hypothesis is that the electronic health programme of follow up will improve outcomes in recipients of renal transplant compared to standard follow up care.

Quality notes
Protocol Study, Quality Assessment Not Appropriate

Trial registration
Clinical Trials Registry - NCT01615900

Funding source
Non-industry funded