
January 2016 Transplant Trial Watch now available

By: Simon Knight | Posted on 6th January 2016

The CET team would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year! A new year means that this month’s Transplant Trial Watch is now out. New studies include a systematic review of outcomes in obese kidney transplant recipients, CNI and steroid-free immunosuppression in renal transplantation, and a direct mail campaign to improve donor registration.

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Evidence in Transplantation (EVIT) Course: 8-9 April 2016

By: Simon Knight | Posted on 6th January 2016

Do you want to increase your skills in evidence-based decision-making? Attend the “Evidence in Transplantation (EVIT) course”, which is held at the Royal College of Surgeons of England on 8-9 April, 2016 and jointly organised by ESOT and the Centre for Evidence in Transplantation. This interactive course covers clinical research methods, including clinical trial design and […]

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December 2015 Transplant Trial watch now available

By: Simon Knight | Posted on 2nd December 2015

The December 2015 edition of the Transplant Trial Watch is now available online. This month’s trials include the first RCT of robotic donor nephrectomy, Belatacept in Liver Transplantation and tPA for DCD kidney donors. Why not download our app for iPhone, iPad and Android?

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October 2015 Transplant Trial Watch now available

By: Simon Knight | Posted on 2nd October 2015

The October 2015 edition of the Transplant Trial watch is now available online and via the Trial Watch app. This month, new studies include long-term outcomes of sirolimus-based immunosuppression in renal transplant recipients, remote ischaemic preconditioning and therapeutic hypothermia in organ donors.

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July 2015 Transplant Trial Watch now online

By: Simon Knight | Posted on 2nd July 2015

The July edition of the transplant trial watch is now available on our website and via the app for iPhone, iPad and Android. This months trials include computer-guided tacrolimus dosing, radial versus femoral cannulation for cardiac transplantation and Sorafenib in liver transplant candidates with HCC.

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March Transplant Trial Watch now online

By: Simon Knight | Posted on 3rd March 2015

The arch 2015 edition of the Transplant Trial Watch is now available on the CET website and via the Trial Watch App.  Take a look now to see the latest trials from the world of solid organ transplantation!

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Learn more about statistics for evidence appraisal during EVIT 2015

By: Liset Pengel | Posted on 23rd October 2014

The programme for the Evidence in Transplantation (EVIT) course has been finalised and now includes the following statistical session: ” An introduction to statistics for evidence appraisal” • Reviewing outcome measures, common measures of association and intervention effects • Interpreting p-values and confidence intervals The workshop will be given by Dr Susan Charman, lecturer in […]

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Deadline approaching for ESOT’s Hepatologist and Nephrologist in a Transplant Program (HNTP) Course

By: Liset Pengel | Posted on 22nd September 2014

The deadline for ESOT’s “Hepatologist and Nephrologist in a Transplant Program (HNTP)” course is September 30. The HNTP course is an advanced ESOT course for physicians with a strong career interest in Transplantation The educational objectives are: To meet the experts on Transplant Medicine To obtain specific knowledge and skills on medical aspects of Liver […]

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