Transplant Trial Watch

To keep the transplantation community informed about recently published level 1 evidence in organ transplantation ESOT and the Centre for Evidence in Transplantation have developed the Transplant Trial Watch.

The Transplant Trial Watch is a monthly overview of 10 new randomised controlled trials (RCTs) and systematic reviews. It includes a brief description of each study, an assessment of the reporting of some methodological quality features and the main conclusions of the report written by the Centre for Evidence in Transplantation (CET). RCTs and systematic reviews are selected by the Centre for Evidence in Transplantation on the basis of quality or interest. Electronic publications ahead of print are listed as [record in progress].

The first issue of the Transplant Trial Watch was published in September 2009. It is now made available to thousands of transplant professionals worldwide each month.

Click on each trial for more detail of findings and quality.

August 2015

Kidney transplantation

A personalized follow-up of kidney transplant recipients using video conferencing based on a 1-year scoring system predictive of long term graft failure (TELEGRAFT study): protocol for a randomized controlled trial
Foucher Y, Meurette A, et al BMC Nephrology 2015; 16(1): 6.

Nefopam as an adjunct to intravenous patient-controlled analgesia after renal transplantation: a randomised trial.
Kim SY, et al. Acta anaesthesiologica Scandinavica 2015 Sep;59(8):1068-75

The TRANSNephro-study examining a new transition model for post-kidney transplant adolescents and an analysis of the present health care: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial.
Kreuzer M, Prufe J, et al. Trials 2014; 15: 505

Cardiac Response to Early Conversion from Calcineurin Inhibitor to Everolimus in Renal Transplant Recipients - A 3 year serial echocardiographic substudy of the randomized controlled CENTRAL trial.
Murbraech K, Massey R, et al. Clinical Transplantation 2015: 29 (8): 678-84.

Long-term study of steroid avoidance in renal transplant patients: a single-center experience.
Nagib AM, Abbas MH, et al. Transplantation Proceedings 2015; 47(4): 1099-1104.

Conversion from tacrolimus to cyclosporine in patients with new-onset diabetes after renal transplant: an open-label randomized prospective pilot study.
Rathi M, Rajkumar V, et al. Transplantation Proceedings 2015; 47(4): 1158-1161.

Reduced Incidence of Cytomegalovirus Infection in Kidney Transplant Recipients Receiving Everolimus and Reduced Tacrolimus Doses.
Tedesco-Silva H, Felipe C, et al. American Journal of Transplantation 2015 Oct;15(10):2655-64.

Liver transplantation

Impact of anti-thymocyte globulin during immunosuppression induction in patients with hepatitis C after liver transplantation.
Garcia-Saenz-de-Sicilia M, Olivera-Martinez MA, et al. Digestive Diseases and Sciences 2014; 59: 2804–2812.

The haemodynamic effects of the perioperative terlipressin infusion in living donor liver transplantation: A randomised controlled study.
Ibrahim N, Hasanin A, et al. Indian Journal of Anaesthesia 2015; 59(3): 156-164.

Single dose of granulocyte colony stimulating factor in leukopenia after post-liver transplant.
Shayesteh AA, et al. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research 2014; 7: 47-49.