Transplant Trial Watch

To keep the transplantation community informed about recently published level 1 evidence in organ transplantation ESOT and the Centre for Evidence in Transplantation have developed the Transplant Trial Watch.

The Transplant Trial Watch is a monthly overview of 10 new randomised controlled trials (RCTs) and systematic reviews. It includes a brief description of each study, an assessment of the reporting of some methodological quality features and the main conclusions of the report written by the Centre for Evidence in Transplantation (CET). RCTs and systematic reviews are selected by the Centre for Evidence in Transplantation on the basis of quality or interest. Electronic publications ahead of print are listed as [record in progress].

The first issue of the Transplant Trial Watch was published in September 2009. It is now made available to thousands of transplant professionals worldwide each month.

Click on each trial for more detail of findings and quality.

July 2017

Kidney transplantation

Factors relevant to medication non-adherence in kidney transplant: a systematic review.
Belaiche S, Decaudin B, et al. International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy 2017; 03: 03.

Prospective Randomized Trial Investigating the Influence of Pharmaceutical Care on the Intra-Individual Variability of Tacrolimus Concentrations Early After Kidney Transplant.
Bessa AB, Felipe CR, et al. Therapeutic Drug Monitoring 2016; 38(4): 447-455.

A Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial Comparing Belatacept With Tacrolimus After De Novo Kidney Transplantation.
de Graav G, Baan CC, et al. Transplantation 2017; 11: 11.

Predictive Score for Posttransplantation Outcomes.
Molnar MZ, Nguyen DV, et al. Transplantation 2016; 07: 07.

Response Across the Health-Literacy Spectrum of Kidney Transplant Recipients to a Sun-Protection Education Program Delivered on Tablet Computers: Randomized Controlled Trial.
Robinson JK, Friedewald JJ, et al. JMIR Cancer 2015; 1(2): e8.

Liver transplantation

Effects of continuous use of probiotics before liver transplantation: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial.
Grat M, Wronka KM, et al. Clinical Nutrition 2017; 04: 04.

Maintenance immunosuppression for adults undergoing liver transplantation: a network meta-analysis.
Rodriguez-Peralvarez M, Guerrero-Misas M, et al. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2017; 3: CD011639.

Short-term effects of extracorporeal graft rinse versus circulatory graft rinse in living donor liver transplantation. A Prospective Randomized Controlled Trial.
Yassen AM, Elsarraf WR, et al. Transplant International 2017; 12: 12.

Heart transplantation

Exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation in heart transplant recipients.
Anderson L, Nguyen TT, et al. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2017; 4: CD012264.

Various organs

On Patients Who Purchase Organ Transplants Abroad.
Ambagtsheer F, de Jong J, et al. American Journal of Transplantation 2016; 16(10): 2800-2815.